The Shirt Collecter

Lover of classic football shirts


Football Shirt Hunting Week 7

My first four weeks of football shirt hunting have been really positive, I have added some Liverpool shirts to my personal collection and still had €112 profit to play around with, but what goes up must come down as this week was a slow one, but none the less I did find some shirts.

Borrusia Dortmund training shirt

My first pickup was a Borrusia Dortmund training shirt from the 2018/19 season, it was a size medium and priced at €7, I knew that Dortmund gear sold pretty easily as some of their shirts are holy grails, and while I did manage to move it on it only sold for €10 which is still a €3 profit on my original purchase price.

London Irish jacket

Next up was my first non-football-related apparel, which was a London Irish windbreaker, I did not know much about it but coming from Ireland where it is often wet and damp I felt hey someone out there could do with a raincoat, and snapped it up for €10 and moved this on for €15, leaving a €5 profit.

Portsmouth training shirt

As I said it was slim pickings so I went off to the local carboot sale, where I picked up what I thought was a Portsmouth training shirt, I now believe that someone just stuck a Pompey badge on a sondico t-shirt (not sure why anyone would do this), it cost me €5 and I still have it for sale, if this is something you fancy let me know and you can have it for free as long as you pay for postage.

Besiktas home shirt 2013/14

I also picked up a Besiktas home shirt from the 2013/14 season, it was an extra small and the condition was a bit worn, like the Portsmouth shirt I should have left this behind me, but instead, I paid the €5 asking price and again if you would like this shirt, let me know and you can have it for free once you pay postage.

Ivory Coast training shirt

My final pickup of the week was an Ivory Coast training shirt from around 2018, it came in a size medium and in perfect condition, I was really happy with this purchase even if it did set me back €10, this shirt is still for sale and I am only looking for what I paid for it, if interested check out my store.

So that was another week down, my profit had gone from €112 to €110 after taking the loss of the Besiktas and Portsmouth shirts into account, hopefully, next week will be a better one.

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