The Shirt Collecter

Lover of classic football shirts

football mystery box

Now let me start by saying that I know when you purchase a mystery box you are paying for the experience, it is also very likely the shirt you get will be below the value of the actual mystery box, but with all that being said when I saw one being advertised on my local buy and sell website for just €25 I dived right in.

After two days of waiting the package arrived, my first red flag was the package was a bag and not a box, so not so much a mystery box as a mystery bag.

As I opened the bag I took a little sneak peek into it and I saw a label for France 1998, surely I did not get a France shirt from the 1998 World Cup.

France 98 coupe de monde label

And yes surely I did not, as I took it out of the bag I was greeted with a France 98 coupe du monde leisurewear shirt, not exactly what I was expecting from a Football shirt mystery box, no box and now no football shirt.

France 98 coupe du monde shirt

I did check for the shirt on Google and came across a link for it on vintagefootballshirts which is selling this shirt in the same size for €80, with all that being said I could not hide my disappointment and I did what most people do when they are not happy with their purchase, I took to Twitter.

And this is where the story has a happy ending as I posted my disgust at this shirt and it turns out that someone actually liked it and was willing to trade me a 2020 Belgium shirt for it, which I gladly accepted.

I will continue to purchase mystery boxes and blog about it, but if you are planning to pick up a mystery box remember what Forrest Gump said, you just never know what you are going to get.

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